Spouse maintenance

Our team specialises in spouse maintenance and can assist you in navigating the process

Spousal maintenance refers to the financial support provided by one spouse to the other after a divorce, separate from child maintenance.

It is important to note that there is no automatic entitlement to spousal maintenance. 

The determination of the amount is based on the financial needs and income of both individuals involved.

During the divorce proceedings, interim spousal maintenance may be initiated to provide immediate support. Once a final financial settlement is reached, long-term spousal maintenance will come into effect.

Your divorce lawyer will provide guidance on the expected amount of spousal
maintenance that a judge may award in your case. This information will be
helpful during negotiations.

If you and your spouse cannot come to an agreement, and your case
proceeds to court, the judge will make the final decision regarding the spousal maintenance amount.

It is advisable to aim for a mutual agreement without involving the court.
Mediation, arbitration, or a Private Financial Dispute Resolution (FDR) can be considered to facilitate a settlement.

Our team specialises in various aspects of family law and can assist you in
navigating the process.

How can we help? Contact our advisers today

From the everyday to the most complex issue, we will provide you with clear, concise legal advice.

You don’t always have to go through the courts to reach agreement.

Our practice prides itself on its commitment to its clients, for whom it pursues the best possible outcome with rigour and litigation excellence.

We are always clear and upfront about our costs related to legal services, so you know what to expect and won’t get any nasty surprises

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